Already the last blog from Papua New Guinea† Time flies, and so do we, because due to a lack of roads and because it is a lot faster we fly from the Sepik river to the sea; Tufi to be exact. Tufi is known as the place to dive, with colorful coral and the albino hammerhead shark. It seems to us the best place to rest after all the adventures.
Also read: Information and first introduction to Papua New Guinea
Also read: On foot through the jungle of Papua New Guinea
Also read: Visit to Papua New Guinea's biggest sing sing
And we do. We book a room at the only resort there is and spoil ourselves once again in the world of tourism. Every day a delicious breakfast, a nice lunch (when we want) and an excellent dinner with a wonderful view over the bay. It is a nice place where we have time to read a book, hang out in a hammock and enjoy the sounds of the jungle. Oh and every now and then we have to duck for the big hornbill flying around.
The Tufi Tribe
We are of course not just here for lounging because the people who live here are very different from the people in the interior and we would like to meet them. Here too the men have the most beautiful feathers on their heads and the women the most beautiful shells around their necks. And yet different.
The people live with their feet in the sand instead of the mud, the jungle is less remote and thick than in the interior and the sun also seems to shine less brightly here because the people are a bit lighter in color. But, just like in the interior, they are very friendly, very open and proud of their tribe. They love to tell us all about their lives, how they make sago (a kind of pancake that seems to be made of rubber), make music so that we can hear the sounds they used to battle with and show how they apply temporary tattoos on the face with cabbage.
We walk through the village where of course things are sold and we talk here and there with some people who walk around. Incidentally, the population here wears normal clothing, only for ceremonies and visitors they put on their traditional tribal clothing.
After wandering around for a few hours, it is time to sail back to the lodge. Everything goes by boat by sea here because it takes quite some time to walk back through the jungle. We sail in a traditional boat, canoe, back to the lodge where we settle back in a hammock with a good book.
Diving the outer reefs on Tufi
The next day we go diving because that is really the reason why people go to Tufi. Well, Yuri is going to dive and I'm going to snorkel. Deep water is not for me so I stay close to the surface. It takes quite a while before we get to the dive destination, because Yuri insists on diving where the possibility of seeing an albino hammerhead shark is the greatest.
While Yuri searches the depths of the sea, I swim through the beautifully colored coral, untouched and so beautiful. The water is clear so that I can see far and so I see the most beautiful fish, but also sharks that are resting on the bottom. After an hour we meet again on the boat and did Yuri manage to see an albino hammerhead shark? Yes!! There is no picture of it but we have to take him at his word. Satisfied and chatting about all the fish and the beautiful coral, the way back is a lot faster. What a beautiful place.
The hornbill who loves swimming trunks
Once back at the lodge, Rufus, the hornbill, has grabbed a tourist's swimsuit. They try to lure him but he already has his loot. Gone swimsuit. For a moment we are afraid that our clothes have also disappeared, but it is still hanging outside. And we are just in time because a moment later Rufus lands on our balcony, ready to take another bathing suit. What he eventually does with it is a mystery to us.
After recovering for a few days at the Tufi resort, enjoying the peace, the beautiful and friendly people and the incredibly beautiful colorful coral, it is time to pack our things. We fly back via the Philippines where we have two days to discover Manila. Unfortunately, too little time to island hop there for a while, but that will come next time. For now our Papua New Guinea trip is over and with it this blog series. We hope you enjoyed it, we certainly did.
In the next blog series we will take you on a next very special journey. This time not through the jungle but on the water. We travel to the most remote inhabited island on Earth and beyond.
Also read: Information and first introduction to Papua New Guinea
Also read: On foot through the jungle of Papua New Guinea
Also read: Visit to Papua New Guinea's biggest sing sing
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