
Author - Eline Sieben

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French Guiana | Top 10 special sights

French Guiana is not an everyday destination for backpackers and travelers, but I wouldn't be a world traveler if I skipped the relatively unknown country. I therefore decided to explore the country, where hardly any tours...

Kigali | 10 sights in the capital of Rwanda

The capital Kigali is located in the heart of the country of Rwanda. It is also the largest city in Rwanda with 1,7 million inhabitants. Kigali has many beautiful sights and is located at an altitude of 1500 m, surrounded by mountains...

Christ Church from Independence Memorial Museum

Things to do in Windhoek | Top 10 sights

The capital, Windhoek, is located in the heart of the country of Namibia. It is also the largest city in Namibia with 320.000 inhabitants. Windhoek is located at an altitude of 1650 m and is surrounded by the mountains. About 45 km outside the center...

City trip Bratislava | The sights

The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, is often neglected and is not well known, despite its good location. The city is located next to the Danube and a stone's throw from the border of Austria and Vienna. Also is...

City trip Budapest | The sights

The capital of Hungary is known for its separation from the Danube and is worth a city trip. There are several options from the Netherlands to go to Budapest. Here it is...

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